Acoustic Noise Measurements and Mapping
Noise pollution, a reality of modern city life, has significant environmental and health impacts. Our company offers professional acoustic noise measurement and mapping services to minimize these adverse effects and improve quality of life.
Our Noise Measurement Methods
We use various methods to accurately detect and analyze noise pollution. Our measurements are performed using state-of-the-art sound level meters (decibel meters) and calibrators. Our noise measurement methods are categorized into three main types:
1. Instant Noise Measurements:
- We detect sudden noise sources with short-term measurements.
- We analyze transient noise sources such as traffic, construction activities, and other temporary noise sources.
2. Continuous Noise Measurements:
- We continuously record noise levels over a specific period.
- By analyzing daily or weekly noise levels, we determine changes over time.
3. Mapping-Oriented Noise Measurements:
- We create noise maps by taking measurements at various points in a specific area.
- We conduct comprehensive analyses of all potential noise sources in the region.
Acoustic Reports for Workplaces and Workshops
We prepare Acoustic Reports for workplaces and workshops with noise sources (such as bakeries, workshops, and businesses with ventilation systems).
Workplaces and workshops must comply with the following conditions specified in Article 12 of the Environmental Noise Control Regulation by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey:
- Industrial facilities and workplaces causing environmental noise in residential areas must comply with the provisions in Annex-2.
- Industrial facilities are evaluated under the provisions of the Environmental Permit and License Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 10/9/2014 and numbered 29115.
- The best available techniques are applied to reduce noise levels emitted from industrial facilities and workplaces.
- For workplaces planned to be established in residential areas, the provisions of this Regulation regarding noise management are followed during the licensing stage.
- Additional noise control measures for industrial facilities and workplaces are specified in acoustic reports.
- Equipment causing environmental noise in industrial facilities and workplaces is, where possible, kept in enclosed environments. Necessary measures are taken to reduce the transmission of noise from cooling fans, air conditioning units, ventilation systems, and generators, which must be placed outdoors.
Acoustic Reports for Industrial Facilities
Our company provides professional services for noise measurement, evaluation, noise modeling, and reporting in compliance with the standards of the Environmental Noise Control Regulation for facilities subject to Environmental Permits and those not subject to Environmental Permits.
For businesses subject to Environmental Permits, after obtaining a Temporary Activity Certificate (GFB), internal noise measurements and environmental noise measurements are conducted according to TS ISO 8297, TS ISO 3744, and TS ISO 3746 standards. Calculations and modeling are performed according to TS ISO 9613-2 standard, and an Acoustic Report is prepared and submitted to the business.
Our Noise Mapping Process
Our noise mapping process involves detailed planning and analysis, consisting of the following steps:
1. Preliminary Preparation:
- Determining the area where noise measurements will be conducted.
- Identifying potential noise sources in the region.
- Identifying blocking and shielding elements in the area.
2. Determining Measurement Points:
- Selecting measurement points that represent different characteristics of the region.
- Ensuring accurate and comprehensive data by identifying representative points.
3. Conducting Measurements:
- Performing noise measurements at designated points for an appropriate duration.
- Ensuring measurements are conducted according to specific standards and considering environmental factors.
4. Data Analysis:
- Analyzing collected data in detail.
- Evaluating changes in noise levels over time and differences between various points.
5. Creating Maps:
- Visualizing data using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
- Representing noise levels on maps with color codes.
Strategic Noise Maps
- Strategic noise maps are prepared following the procedures and principles in Annex-3.
- Strategic noise maps are prepared for evaluating the collective impact of different noise sources at the provincial level.
- Strategic noise maps are updated every five years.
- Strategic noise maps are published using appropriate communication tools.
Strategic Noise Action Plans
- Strategic noise action plans are prepared to identify noise reduction and control measures as per the procedures and principles in Annex-4.
- Strategic noise action plans protect quiet areas and implement reduction measures.
- Public opinions are taken into account by the relevant administration while preparing action plans for noise reduction measures identified in strategic noise action plans.
- Strategic noise action plans are prepared within one year after strategic noise maps are prepared and updated every five years. Implementation status of actions is reported to the Ministry every six months by entering data into the Ministry’s database.
- Strategic noise maps and strategic noise action plans are considered in all kinds of planning.
Uses of Noise Maps
Our noise maps have a wide range of applications across various sectors:
- Urban Planning: Assisting urban planners in creating quiet zones to reduce noise pollution.
- Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluating the environmental impacts of new projects and taking necessary measures.
- Public Health: Reducing the health impacts of noise pollution and raising public awareness.
- Legal Regulations: Ensuring more effective implementation and monitoring of legal regulations related to noise pollution.
Acoustic Reports
- The procedures and principles for preparing acoustic reports for planned and existing environmental noise sources are provided in Annex-5.
- Specific acoustic reports may be requested by the relevant authority if needed.
- Acoustic reports determine environmental noise levels and noise reduction measures.
- Noise modeling studies are conducted upon the relevant authority's request.
- Acoustic reports are updated if there are changes in the noise source or noise reduction conditions.
Scope of Our Noise Measurement and Reporting
- TS ISO 1996-1 - Acoustics - Description, measurement, and assessment of environmental noise - Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment procedures
- TS ISO 1996-2 - Acoustics - Description, measurement, and assessment of environmental noise - Part 2: Determination of sound pressure levels
- TS EN ISO 3744 – Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
- TS EN ISO 3746 - Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane
- TS ISO 8297 - Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of multisource industrial plants for evaluation of sound pressure levels in the environment - Engineering method
- TS ISO 9613-2 - Acoustics - Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors - Part 2: General method of calculation
- Acoustic Noise Measurement and Modeling
- Environmental Noise Measurement
- Noise Measurements within the Scope of EIA
- Noise Measurement within the Scope of Environmental Permit
- Measurement of Background Noise Levels
- Measurement of Vehicle and Machinery Noise
- Measurement of Noise from Quarries and Mining Facilities
- Noise Measurements in Construction Sites
- Creation of Noise Maps
- Indoor Noise Measurement and Mapping
- Measurement and Mapping of Urban Noise Pollution
- Measurement and Mapping of Noise from Marine Vessels, Traffic, and Construction Equipment
- Measurement of Entertainment Venue Noise (Cafe, Bar, Casino, etc.)
- Live Music Noise Measurement (Wedding Halls, Folk Music Bars, Concerts, etc.)
With our acoustic noise measurement and mapping services, we ensure the detection, analysis, and management of noise pollution. Our goal is to create a more livable, healthy, and quiet environment. For detailed information and service requests, please contact us. Let’s fight noise pollution together!