Environmental Noise and Vibration Measurements

Environmental Noise and Vibration Measurements

Environmental Noise and Vibration Measurements

Noise and vibration pollution are among the major environmental problems that impact quality of life. These types of pollution, which harm both human health and the environment, can lead to serious issues if not managed effectively. Our company offers professional services to detect, analyze, and resolve these problems through environmental noise and vibration measurements.

Environmental Vibration

Environmental vibration is defined as mechanical oscillations felt by the human body, typically propagating through solid, liquid, and gas mediums during activities in areas used for purposes other than their intended functions. These activities often stem from operations such as mining and quarrying, transportation vehicles, industrial and construction machinery.

Noise Measurement Methods

To accurately detect and analyze noise pollution, we use various methods. Our measurements are conducted with state-of-the-art sound level meters (decibel meters) and calibrators. Our noise measurement methods are categorized into three main types:

1. Instant Noise Measurements:
  • Detecting sudden noise sources through short-term measurements.
  • Analyzing temporary noise sources such as traffic and construction activities.
2. Continuous Noise Measurements:
  • Recording noise levels continuously over a specific period.
  • Analyzing daily or weekly noise levels to determine changes over time.
3. Noise Mapping Measurements:
  • Creating noise maps through measurements at different points in a specific area.
  • Providing comprehensive analysis of all potential noise sources in the region.

Vibration Measurement Methods

We provide vibration measurement, evaluation, and reporting services in compliance with the Environmental Noise Control Regulation for workplaces and workshops with vibration sources. Our expert laboratory team conducts Environmental Vibration Measurements and Reporting to assess the impact of blasting operations (e.g., in mines and quarries) on nearby residences and the exposure of residential areas to vibration sources in workshops and businesses.

Businesses with vibration sources are required to comply with the conditions stated in Article 15 of the Environmental Noise Control Regulation published by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change. The details are as follows:

  • Blasting in mining and quarry areas must minimize environmental impacts such as air shock, rock scattering, and vibration by applying a specific blasting pattern. Measures taken to protect nearby buildings and structures must be detailed in acoustic reports prepared in accordance with Table 3 of Annex-2.
  • The ground vibration levels caused by blasting in mining and quarry areas must comply with the limits specified in Table 3 of Annex-2.
  • The vibration levels caused by railway and road transportation vehicles, workplaces, and industrial facilities must comply with the limits specified in Table 4 of Annex-2 for the nearest structure.
  • The ground vibration levels caused by construction activities must comply with the limits specified in Table 5 of Annex-2.
  • Necessary technical measures, including vibration insulation, must be taken to ensure vibration levels meet the limit values.

Vibration Pollution

Vibration pollution is a significant issue, especially in industrial facilities and construction sites. Our vibration measurements are performed using modern vibration meters and are classified into the following categories:

1. Ground Vibration Measurements:
  • Measuring the vibration impacts on buildings, infrastructures, and the natural environment.
  • Analyzing vibration sources such as construction activities, railway, and road traffic.
  • Measuring vibrations caused by blasting in mining and quarry areas.
2. Machine Vibration Measurements:
  • Measuring the vibration levels of machines and equipment in industrial facilities.
  • These measurements are crucial for optimizing machine performance and preventing failures.

Measurement and Analysis Process

Our noise and vibration measurement processes include detailed planning and analysis stages:

1. Preliminary Preparation:
  • Identifying the area to be measured and potential sources.
  • Detecting obstructive elements in the area and making necessary adjustments.
2. Determining Measurement Points:
  • Selecting measurement points to represent different characteristics of the region.
  • Obtaining accurate and comprehensive data by determining representative points.
3. Conducting Measurements:
  • Performing noise and vibration measurements at the specified points for an appropriate duration.
  • Ensuring measurements are made in compliance with standards and considering environmental factors.
4. Data Analysis:
  • Detailed analysis of the collected data.
  • Evaluating changes in noise and vibration levels over time and differences between various points.
5. Reporting:
  • Presenting the obtained data in a comprehensive and understandable report format according to regulations.

Noise Measurement and Reporting Scope:

  • TS ISO 1996-1: Acoustics – Description, Measurement, and Assessment of Environmental Noise – Part 1: Basic Quantities and Assessment Procedures
  • TS ISO 1996-2: Acoustics – Description, Measurement, and Assessment of Environmental Noise – Part 2: Determination of Environmental Noise Levels
  • TS EN ISO 3744: Determination of Sound Power Levels and Sound Energy Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure – Engineering Methods for an Essentially Free Field over a Reflecting Plane
  • TS EN ISO 3746: Determination of Sound Power Levels and Sound Energy Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure – Survey Method Using an Enveloping Measurement Surface over a Reflecting Plane
  • TS ISO 8297: Determination of Sound Power Levels of Multi-source Industrial Plants for Evaluation of Sound Pressure Levels in the Environment
  • TS ISO 9613-2: Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors – Part 2: General Method of Calculation

Noise Measurements:

  • Acoustic Noise Measurement and Modeling
  • Environmental Noise Measurement
  • Noise Measurements within the Scope of EIA
  • Noise Measurement for Environmental Permit
  • Measurement of Background Noise Levels
  • Measurement of Vehicle and Machine Noise
  • Measurement of Quarry and Mining Facility Noise
  • Construction Site Noise Measurements
  • Noise Mapping
  • Indoor Noise Measurement and Mapping
  • Urban Noise Pollution Measurement and Mapping
  • Noise Measurement and Mapping from Marine Vessels, Traffic, and Construction Machinery
  • Noise Measurement of Entertainment Venues (Cafes, Bars, Casinos, etc.)
  • Live Music Noise Measurement (Wedding Halls, Folk Bars, Concerts, etc.)

Vibration Measurement and Reporting Scope:

  • TS 10354: Measurement of Air Shock and Ground Vibration Resulting from Mining Activities
  • TS ISO 4866: Measurement and Assessment of Vibration in Buildings and Determination of Structural Damage
  • TS ISO 2631-1: Measurement and Evaluation of Whole-body Vibration Exposure
  • TS EN ISO 5349-1: Measurement and Evaluation of Human Exposure to Hand-transmitted Vibration
  • TS EN ISO 5349-2: Measurement and Evaluation of Human Exposure to Hand-transmitted Vibration

Vibration Measurements:

  • Ground Vibration Measurements
  • Building Vibration Measurements
  • Mining Vibration Measurements
  • Machine/Equipment Vibration Measurements
  • Whole-body Vibration Measurements (within the scope of occupational hygiene measurements)
  • Hand-arm Vibration Measurements (within the scope of occupational hygiene measurements)

With our environmental noise and vibration measurement services, we ensure the detection, analysis, and management of noise and vibration pollution. Our aim is to create a more livable, healthy, and quiet environment. For more information and service requests, please contact us.

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